Each weekday for the next 14 days, Father James Lyons (Wellington) will be helping us reflect on God’s Word while we are in lockdown. What is God saying to us as we globally unite to defeat Covid-19?
SETTING: highlight the cross, together with some stones and greenery.
Prayer in awe of this sacred time:
In this treasured week, O God,
when we witness the extent of your love for us
I close my eyes in humble thanksgiving.
The cries of Jesus, isolated and fearing he has
been abandoned, pierces my ears and my heart.
I offer my own isolation in this pandemic moment
for all in pain and without support,
for those alone and lonely,
for those lost and afraid.
I praise your love, mysterious and awesome.
There is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends – see John 15:13
This description of love came just after Jesus had given his “new commandment” to love one another as I have loved you. [Jn 15:12] Within a few hours of speaking, Jesus would live that commandment to the full. To truly follow Jesus, I have to be prepared to give of myself, just as he did, for the good of others. During this uncertain time, living with the threat of Covid-19, this is exactly what everyone is being asked to do: to put the good of others ahead of my own.
Holy Week is ideal for reflecting on the meaning and practice of the “new commandment” in our personal lives. While this present health crisis provides specific opportunities, it is important to map out some strategy for the time when things return to normal. The following scripture passages should help the planning. Be still in their company and let them speak of possible actions and attitudes.
Isaiah 42:1-7
He does not break the crushed reed – a person of strong faith and deep compassion, concerned for justice and with a sense of being missioned to help those weakened by sickness or adversity, the troubled in mind or body.
Apocalypse 1:5-8
I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord – mention the apocalypse and people usually think you’re referring to the end of the world, as indeed have some interpreted Covid-19. But God is the beginning (Alpha) and the end (Omega) – the A & the Z – of all things and within those brackets there is nothing to fear; we have only to place ourselves in the service of the One who is, who was and is still to come.
John 4:16-21
This text is being fulfilled today – Jesus identified his mission as one of healing, of setting things right, and making people feel good about themselves so that they could do good for others. Is there a similar “healing ministry” for you in this time of social isolation. Calling people, especially those who are on their own or in small/cramped living conditions, and family members? Joining a prayer chain? Teaming up with someone or several others for an on-line game?
The needs people have are many and varied; healing takes many forms.
In you, O Lord, I take refuge
let me never be put to shame.
In your justice rescue me, free me;
pay heed to me and save me.
Be a rock where I can take refuge,
a mighty stronghold to save me;
for you are my rock, my stronghold.
It is you, Lord, who are my hope,
my trust, O Lord, since my youth.
On you have I leaned from my birth,
from my mother’s womb you have been my help.
My lips will tell of your justice
and day by day of your help
(though I can never tell it all).
O God, you have taught me from my youth
and I proclaim your wonders still.
Time now to pray for others:
For those caught in the grip of loss
For those frozen with fear
For those anchored in self
For those struggling to cope
For those just holding on
For those who feel they have nothing to live for
For those with nothing to die for
Be merciful to me, O God…. In the shadow of your wings I find protection
until the raging storms are over. [Psalm 57:1]