Each weekday for the next 14 days, Father James Lyons (Wellington) will be helping us reflect on God’s Word while we are in lockdown. What is God saying to us as we globally unite to defeat Covid-19?
SETTING: Create a party atmosphere with a few decorations. Wrap up some “gifts” or “presents”. Recall the surprise of opening gifts, of meeting the unexpected.
Prayer to begin:
So much in life is unexpected and
I suspect, dear God, that you planned it so.
You are, after all, a God of surprises,
revealing yourself in countless ways,
in colours and shapes, in light and shade,
in people and places and in life’s situations.
Even in this troubled time that no one could foresee,
I know you will guide us along a new path,
to a new and fuller way of living.
Ready me during this unexpected time to
love better, serve better, live better.
William Shakespeare, in Cymbeline, wrote,
Fortune brings in some boats that are not steered.
Covid-19 arrived on our shores unannounced and uninvited and is certainly not regarded as a guest. Given that the virus had already infected several countries we might have expected it to make its way to us, but we did not expect to have the nation so quickly shut down with virtually everyone told to stay at home! We did not expect the situation to become so serious.
The unexpected always catches us by surprise. Not a nice feeling because we like to know what’s going on, what’s in the pipeline. We like to be in control.
Almost everything about Jesus ran contrary to what was expected:
- Mary and Joseph were not expecting to hear prophetic words about Jesus when they presented him in the temple – Luke 1:28-33
- Mary and Joseph expected him to be in the group of travellers returning from Jerusalem – Luke 2:41-51
- The disciples woke Jesus and wanted his help as they struggled with the storm at sea; they did not expect Jesus to calm the storm – Luke 8:22-25
- The disciples expected Jesus would send the crowd away; they did not expect to be told, You give them something to eat! – Luke 9:12-17
- Martha and Mary were disappointed Jesus did not come when he got – their message that their brother, Lazarus, the one you love, is ill. They did not expect Jesus would bring him back to life – John, chapter 11.
- Peter did not expect Jesus to take the road to Jerusalem – Matt. 16:21-3
Look for more examples in the Gospel, of “Jesus, the unexpected”. Select one for a time of meditation; then ask: What are my expectations of Jesus?
- What do I expect of Jesus? Are there examples in your own life when Jesus “turned the table” on the way you expected something to go and showed you a new way?
- What does Jesus expect of me? At this moment? In this time of uncertainty for our whole society?
- What might Jesus expect of our parish, of the whole Church and, indeed, of our world, in the aftermath of this pandemic?
- How much am I prepared to change? What am I prepared to give?
Ananias did not expect to be told to help the feared persecutor, Paul of Tarsus and Paul’s conversion was the most unexpected gift for the first Christian communities. How could they expect someone who had a warrant to arrest and kill the followers of Jesus, and who had earlier watched and approved the stoning of the deacon, Stephen [Acts 7:55-8:1], to be accepted as a friend?
These first Christians had to overcome quite justifiable fear, suspicion, even perhaps hatred, in order to embrace Paul. How different our story would have been had they not done so! Consider these scripture passages and return to them during the day.
- Are there groups or individuals in your own life that you avoid or find difficult in any way?
- Do you ever find yourself saying or thinking, How could I be expected to forgive such a person/insult/rejection/abuse…. ?
- How prepared are you to expect the unexpected?
Are you familiar with Chris Skinner’s music? If you have any of his albums there will be song(s) relating to a change of heart, forgiveness, generosity, trust… His website is chrisskinner.org.nz and you will find great material for prayer, meditation and relaxation. Google may also help you out to locate this and other music. Now is the time to listen to some music before proceeding.
Trust in me, trust the image, trust your tears
Trust in me, the gift of silence calm your fears
Be still and know, I speak to your heart
Be still and know, I am here.
Chris Skinner
The tourist, hospitality and travel industries – illustrated graphically in the virtual collapse of international airlines – are among the most at-risk groups struggling to avoid loss of livelihoods in the face of this worldwide health crisis. Many fear they may never be able to reopen for business.
This more than suggests that vast numbers of people have been living in the future, planning ahead, making advanced bookings, expecting nothing to get in the way of what they intend doing, where they intend going. There are, of course, practical reasons for such preparation, but maybe we have been taking too much for granted, convinced we are the ones in control!
In the concluding part of this prayer time, pray for those
- whose livelihoods are threatened by the pandemic
- who have never had to worry about filling time
- who have planned holidays or business trips in the next few months
- who have taken life and tomorrow for granted
- who find change difficult
- who like to be sure and to be in control
This unexpected time
when silence comes to stay
not only in the night but all through the day
footsteps can’t be heard
for there are no feet about
no engine noise to irritate
or annoying human shout
the lockdown shuts away all else
but the silence from the sounds we make
from dawn to dusk without a break
then on into the night
yet in this silence now we hear
sounds of nature crystal clear
bird song gifting endless celebration
wind and trees in loving conversation
let ears refresh with rediscovered sound
and welcome it within our own surround
and be less concerned with yours and mine
when we exit this most unexpected time