Words, and hearing the voice of God

By Cartia Moore

Words have so much power. One line from Star Wars can change the whole face of the storyline “Luke, I am your father” – Darth Vader. What an absolute shocker that was.

I am always astounded by the power of the voice and of words. Proverbs chapter 15 verse four says: ‘Gentle words are a tree of life; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.’ There is power in words themselves, but there is also power in the way that it is said.

There is a song by Hawk Nelson that says, ‘Words can build you up, words can break you down, start a fire in your heart or put it out.’ The undeniable truth is that words are powerful.

The swift gentle response to an angry heart. The fired up and demanding roar of a justice-lead politician. The determined and enthusiastic words from a passion-driven person. It is incredible the effect they can have on a person.

His Voice

I love reflecting on stories in the Bible of God’s voice such as in Genesis chapter one. God’s voice was the catalyst for change as He called the universe into being and whispered the breath of life into the world.

There is power in the voice of God. When God spoke, the universe was created. When He spoke, we were called into being as children of God. The voice that declared the stars be brought into being and scattered across the sky, had a perfect plan for the universe.

The incredible thing is, that voice is not void, that voice is constantly in communication with us every day. We can hear this voice within everything that goes on in our lives.

The soft whisper

Often times when God moves in our lives, it is a soft whisper with a large effect. During the recent election, my family and I experienced the power of God’s voice as He spoke into the hearts of pastors and church members who helped us throughout our campaign.

This was such a treasured and heart-warming experience, and as each of these people put their hand up to help, we felt the presence of God very closely. God was in our campaign too.

Proverbs chapter three verse five says, ‘Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make.’ God knows what we need and when we need it, and I love how He is always working for our good.

The Spirit-led church

1 Kings chapter 19 verse 12 describes God’s voice as ‘a still, small voice’. God’s voice is hidden in the wind, in the rain, in the happy laugh of a friend, in the generous act of a stranger, in the goodness that prevails. He is always speaking to us.

I know that the same God who spoke the stars into being, speaks constantly into my heart. Sometimes I may not hear it, but I am wanting to become more aware of His voice every day. To be in communication with the great Creator of the heavens and the earth is such an incredible honour.

When we listen to the voice of God, we start to become Spirit-led as we follow His voice like a shepherd to his sheep. The things we are able to accomplish when we listen to Him is beyond miraculous. The world becomes more beautiful when we start to seek God and hear His voice.

In the busyness of your day, take a moment to listen for His still, small voice. Although the noise of the world may bombard our ears, may we hear Him from our hearts as He calms us and leads us into the beautiful future He has all planned out for each of us.

Jeremiah 29:13 – ‘And you will seek for Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.’

Cartia Moore is a sword fighter, trained and skilled in the art of fencing. She has recently graduated from her Bachelor of Arts degree and is now studying an Honours in Screen & Media Studies. Her focus is film, television and sword fighting sequences. She is a youth leader and has a passion for bringing young girls to God and helping them to seek and find their worth and value in Him.

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